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UltraCruz Canine Iron Charge Plus Supplement for Dogs, 120 Tasty Chews
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UltraCruz Canine Iron Charge Plus Supplement for Dogs, 120 Tasty Chews

Product ID: 95939668
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UltraCruz Canine Iron Charge¨ Plus is a new formula which provides similar active ingredients to our Liquid version, UltraCruz Canine Iron Chargeª, but is now provided in an easy to feed tasty chew! This formula is a supplement for dogs that contains important vitamins and minerals, such as Iron, a mineral that is essential for the formation of hemoglobin. Each serving provides iron (as Ferrous Gluconate), and a comprehensive selection of key vitamins and minerals designed to support energy and stamina in dogs. This high-quality supplement is excellent for use in dogs that are undergoing rigorous training, dogs that lack stamina, and dogs that are easily tired by exercise. This supplement supports energy levels by providing key factors important for energy in dogs, therefore helping to perform at a higher level for a longer period of time without becoming easily fatigued.The most important active ingredient in this formulation is Iron. In the hemoglobin molecule, Iron binds to oxygen and carbon dioxide, which allows hemoglobin to transport oxygen from the dog's lungs to muscle tissue and carry carbon dioxide away. This vital element helps your dog achieve the best level of performance.Zinc is involved in many enzyme systems in the body, ranging from connective tissue formation and antioxidant protection to carbohydrate metabolism and immune system function. It is most recognized for its role in supporting healthy skin and nails. Choline is an essential nutrient that is a precursor of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter). Cobalt is necessary to produce Vitamin B12, which works with Iron and Copper to support healthy red blood cells.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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