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Always Maxi Overnight Pads with Wings, Size 5, Extra Heavy Overnight, Unscented, 72 Count
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Always Maxi Overnight Pads with Wings, Size 5, Extra Heavy Overnight, Unscented, 72 Count

Product ID: 497679159
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Always Maxi Overnight Pads with Flexi-Wings provide you a PERFECT NIGHT SLEEP with 2X more coverage on the back for up to 100% Leak Free Comfort, no matter how you sleep. Always Maxi Pads with Wings feature the Always advanced 3X Protection System to give you piece of mind day & night. RapidDRY works to wick away gushes fast to absorb more than you may need. The LeakGUARD core locks in leaks for long-lasting protection to keep you fresh and clean, and SecurelyFITS helps the pad stay in place throughout no matter what you do. Make sure that you are getting the right protection from your pad, using the wrong pad size can lead to leaks. Always Maxi Pads come in a range of sizes to fit your flow and size perfectly depending on your needs. If you have a light flow or need a teen-sized pad, then we would recommend using our Always Maxi Pad size 1 to 3. If you have a heavy flow or want overnight protection, then we recommend using our size 4 or 5 Always Maxi Pad. Whether you have a heavy flow or a light one, Always has you covered. Also remember that all Always Feminine Maxi Pads are FSA & HSA eligible! Check with your FSA or HSA plan provider for information on the coverage of period care products.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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