Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake & Muffin Mix 21 OZ. Box
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Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake & Muffin Mix 21 OZ. Box

Product ID: 460394390
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With a mile-high crumb topping that's buttery flavored, sweet and bursting with brown sugar and cinnamon, Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake and Muffin Mix is a tough-to-top treat. Enjoy a warm slice for breakfast with coffee or serve it as a tasty afternoon snack. Krusteaz Cinnamon Swirl Crumb Cake and Muffin Mix is an easy-to-make staple for any pantry—and so delicious, you may be tempted to make it all the time. IMPOSSIBLE TO TOP: Our crumbly, cinnamon topping alone makes this moist, delicious crumb cake the one to make—and the one to watch quickly disappear. EASY TO MAKE: Stir together cake mix, oil, water and an egg, pour into pan and sprinkle with cinnamon topping. Bake until a toothpick comes out clean. MAKE IT YOUR OWN: Add frozen sliced peaches for a peach-infused coffee cake or mix up a batch of crumbly cinnamon mini muffins. This box has a shelf life from production of 548 days and is great for always having a Krusteaz mix on hand when you crave it! INGREDIENTS WE’RE PROUD OF: Just the right amounts of brown sugar, cinnamon and molasses give our crumb cake its delicious taste with no artificial flavors and no artificial colors. WHAT’S INCLUDED: Each order includes one 21-ounce box with a shelf life from production of 548 days. This box is great for always having a Krusteaz mix on hand when you crave it!

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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