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Paua Abalone Strips Inlay Supplies for Jewelers, Turners, Woodworkers, Luthiers, Professionals & Hobbyists (Cascade)
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Paua Abalone Strips Inlay Supplies for Jewelers, Turners, Woodworkers, Luthiers, Professionals & Hobbyists (Cascade)

Product ID: 360109765
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Easy Inlay’s paua abalone pieces, strips, and sheets add a beautiful, gleaming pop of vibrance to any inlay. The natural shell is extremely colorful and exhibits opalescent blues, rich greens, and luminous fiery flashes; toned colors are rich and radiant. Used in jewelry, woodworking, woodturning and more. Paua is a unique species of abalone found only in New Zealand’s environmentally pure coastal waters.The thin material can be cut to size easily with scissors or a utility knife. Simply peel the sticky PSA backing off, lay it into a ring, groove, or other void, add resin (CA glue, UV-cure resin, epoxy, or polyester. You can also incorporate these into resin castings and glue onto pen blanks.The PSA adhesive aids in temporary positioning before resin is added. The material is flexible; when bending into a tight radius (like a ring channel), press it firmly down to fit and then glue. Fine cracking may occur. This is normal and will not change the overall esthetic.For a permanent bond, we recommend using thin CA glue which will wick under the paua. Strips and sheets are coated with a flexible and durable urethan finish and can be left raw, flush to the inlay surface, or top coat with your preferred resin or finish. When finishing over, sand lightly to ensure a good bond.Use caution when sanding, it may remove color. The products are made from nature; there may be variations in color and minor impurities, which add to the overall natural aesthetic. IBIS is Mother of Pearl; all other colors are Paua Abalone.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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