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PFC - 150-110-044-5SF Plastic Carrying Case with Foam, 15" x 11" x 4 3/8"
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PFC - 150-110-044-5SF Plastic Carrying Case with Foam, 15" x 11" x 4 3/8"

Product ID: 21401229
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PFC Stock Cases are the perfect solution when you need a simple, rugged carrying case. Used in a variety of applications, their open interior design can be used as-is or with the included foam interior.Like all of the plastic cases PFC makes, PFC Stock Cases are blow molded from recyclable high-density polyethylene (HDPE). Why? Because no other material even comes close when it comes to impact strength (even in the coldest weather), resistance to solvents and oils and durability. PFC Stock Cases will never rust or corrode. Their color is molded in, so it can never chip, peal, or rub off. And PFC’s scratch resistant Mold-Tech exterior finishes will always look new, even after years of hard use. PFC Stock Cases incorporate patented mechanical hinges and latches – the industry standard.

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Reema J.

Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

1 month ago

Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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