Tire Stickers SpeedHunters - DIY Permanent Rubber Tire Lettering Kit with Glue & 2oz Bottle Touch-Up Cleaner / 19-21 Inch Wheels / 1.00 Inches/White 8 Pack
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Tire Stickers SpeedHunters - DIY Permanent Rubber Tire Lettering Kit with Glue & 2oz Bottle Touch-Up Cleaner / 19-21 Inch Wheels / 1.00 Inches/White 8 Pack

Product ID: 292095749
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Size:19"-21" / 1" - 8 DECALS Ea. SPEEDHUNTERS Tire Lettering Kit - Fits all vehicles! No more boring, plain black tires! Trick out your ride with custom raised white SPEEDHUNTERS tire lettering on your tires using genuine licensed designs by Tire Stickers. Ultra high quality raised rubber, our SPEEDHUNTERS Tire Stickers are engineered to withstand the most demanding environmental conditions and temperatures. HOW IT WORKS: The Permanent option - These raised white rubber tire decals can withstand practically anything. Prep the tire surface and glue on these SPEEDHUNTERS tire letters. Avoid contact with oil based tire care products and clean your Tire Stickers once a month for a clean, lasting look. Each kit includes: -The permanent raised rubber SPEEDHUNTERS Tire decals -FleXement tire lettering glue -Rubber gloves -Tire Stickers Touch-up Cleaner 2oz -Directions HOW TO INSTALL: Full instructions included with the kit Step 1: Clean the tire sidewall with Acetone (works best) or similar de-greaser to remove all brake dust, dirt, oil and contaminates from the tire surface. When ready, a white rag should be white/light grey when cleaning a clean tire sidewall. Step 2: Apply a thin even layer of glue on the backside of the letters, applying glue to only a few letters at time to get started. Place the decal on the clean section of the tire and gently apply even pressure for 1-2 minutes. Inspect decal and clean any 'oozing' if necessary. Hold for additional time as needed. Ideal install temperature 72 F Degrees. Step 3: Remove clear transfer to reveal clean letters. Apply additional light pressure to any areas not fully bonded. Let dry for 2 hours. Avoid using any oil based tire shine, car washes that clamp the wheel/tire, and curbs. For install tips, free replacement letters and more tire graphics designs, check our website.

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